
Psychological aspects in a dentist’s work


  • M.Yu. Sahakyan 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, associate professor and head of the Prosthodontics and orthodontics Department
    ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3952-3269
  • A.V. Yakunina 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, assistant professor of the Prosthodontics and orthodontics Department
    ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3041-4816
  • E.D. Bozhkova 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, acting head of the General and clinical psychology Department
    ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0105-0360
  • A.E. Mazanova 1, assistant at the General and clinical psychology Department
    ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8969-1922
  • V.D. Yakunina 1, second-year clinical resident of the Prosthodontics and orthodontics Department
    ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1448-7564
  • 1 Privolzhsky Research Medical University, 603005, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia


The problem of professional burnout is an actual problem of modern dentistry and medical psychology. Emotional load of a doctor increases as a result of intensive communication with a patient and high requirements of the service quality. Research purpose - definition of the relationship of a burnout and features of professional activity (combination of work with teaching in university, conducting appointments in different clinics). . The study involved 54 dentists of different specializations: 43 women and 11 men aged 24 to 76 years (38.64±10.42). Professional experience ranged from 2 to 55 years (15.63±10.49). Twenty-nine (54%) doctors were employed in more than one clinic, and 42 (78%) combined clinic work and teaching activities. We used the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) adapted from N.E. Vodopyanova. . The results confirm that dentists are susceptible to professional burnout (integral burnout index 5.54±2.28, mean level). Combination of therapeutic and educational work (including training of the dentist himself) did not result in significant differences in the expression of burnout components in dentists. Doctors working in two clinics showed lower values of the integral index of professional burnout. . Our results confirm that dentists are susceptible to professional burnout. Burnout prevention should include complex measures, taking into account both specific professional peculiarities and personality features of a dentist.

Key words:

professional burnout, dentist

For Citation

Sahakyan M.Yu., Yakunina A.V., Bozhkova E.D., Mazanova A.E., Yakunina V.D. Psychological aspects in a dentist’s work. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2022; 25 (3): 132—139. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2022_3_132


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October 30, 2022