
The expression of teeth hyperesthesia during professional and home bleaching of teeth


  • O.A. Uspenskaya 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, associate professor of the Therapeutic dentistry Department
  • O.V. Trefilova 1, assistant at the Therapeutic dentistry Department
  • 1 Privolzhsky Research Medical University, 603005, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia


Subject. The article examines the severity of increased sensitivity of hard tissue during professional and home teeth whitening. Teeth whitening with various techniques was carried out for persons with discoloration of hard dental tissues, diagnosing the prevalence and intensity of hyperesthesia that occurs after treatment. The goal is a comparative assessment of the intensity of hard tissue hyperesthesia during professional and home teeth whitening. Methodology. Two groups of patients aged 25-35 years were studied. The first group (20 people) underwent home teeth whitening, the second (20 people) - professional whitening. Groups were divided into two subgroups of 10 people each: the first subgroup recommended the use of oral hygiene personal hygiene products aimed at preventing hyperesthesia of hard dental tissues, the second - only teeth whitening was performed. A clinical examination of patients using the indices of the prevalence and intensity of tooth hyperesthesia, evaluation of the effectiveness of whitening on the Vita Classic scale, as well as the Shade Eye NCC colorimeter, assessment of the intensity of pain using verbal rating, digital rating, visual analogue, mimic pain assessment Wong-Baker scales. Results. As a result of clinical examination revealed the most pronounced whitening of hard tooth tissues in patients of group II. Hyperesthesia of hard tooth tissues in patients of both groups with different intensity was revealed. Two weeks after the professional teeth whitening procedure, there was a decrease in the severity of hyperesthesia. Whereas with the home method of teeth whitening the intensity of increased sensitivity of hard tissues increased. Findings. The highest severity of hyperesthesia of hard tissues of the teeth was detected after the professional whitening procedure, while home whitening was noted in 30% of cases. Individual hygiene products, aimed at preventing this complication, led to a significant decrease in its intensity, regardless of the method of treatment for discoloured teeth.

Key words:

hard tissue hyperesthesia, bleaching, discolor, individual hygiene, pain intensity, Amazing white Universal, Day White Excel, Sensodyne Instant Effect

For Citation

Uspenskaya O.A., Trefilova O.V. The expression of teeth hyperesthesia during professional and home bleaching of teeth. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2019; 3 (91): 28—30. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2019_3_28


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Published on

September 1, 2019