
The use of polyetheretherketone in removable prosthetics: analysis and comparison to other thermoplastic materials (literature review)


  • I.R. Volchkova 1, assistant at the Prosthetic dentistry Department
  • A.V. Yumashev 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, professor of the Prosthodontics department
  • A.S. Utyuzh 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, head of the Prosthodontics Department
  • V.Yu. Doroshina 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, associate professor of the Therapeutic dentistry Department
  • M.V. Mikhailova 1, assistant at the Prosthetic dentistry Department
  • 1 Sechenov University, 119435, Moscow, Russia


There is analysis of the scientific data about using thermoplastic materials in prosthetic dentistry for the period from 1986 to 2017. Selection of the scientific literature was conducted at the Central Scientific Library of Medicine, the electronic medical library eLIBRARY.RU and a database of medical publications PubMed. The review analyzed the results of studies of the features and the efficiency of using these materials for dental prosthetics in various areas of prosthetic dentistry.

Key words:

dentistry, thermoplastic materials, PEEK, removable prostheses

For Citation

Volchkova I.R., Yumashev A.V., Utyuzh A.S., Doroshina V.Yu., Mikhailova M.V. The use of polyetheretherketone in removable prosthetics: analysis and comparison to other thermoplastic materials (literature review). Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2018; 1 (85): 72—75. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2018_1_72


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Published on

March 1, 2018