Application of methods of osteotomy of a maxilla at the Le Fort I level as a pre-implant surgery


  • A.N. Senyuk 1, к.м.н.
  • M.A. Mokhirev 1, к.м.н.
  • R.N. Askerov 1, к.м.н.
  • D.M. Nikonenko 1, зубной техник
  • 1 ЦНИИС и ЧЛХ


The article presents the application of the technique osteotomy of the maxilla at Le Fort I as a preparatory stage before the prosthesis on dental implants in 5 patients with dysgnathias complicated by edentulous maxilla. We have examined and operated on 5 patients with dysgnathias complicated by edentulous maxilla in age from 28 to 40 years old with a complete growth of the facial skeleton. The period of follow-up was 36 months. Methods osteotomy of the maxilla at Le Fort I in patients with dysgnathias complicated by edentulous maxilla allowed to normalize relations alveolar bases of the upper and lower jaws and create the conditions for achieving a functional and stable result of implantation and prosthetics.

Key words:

the edentulous, dysgnathia, osteotomy maxilla at the Le Fort I level

For Citation

Senyuk A.N., Mokhirev M.A., Askerov R.N., Nikonenko D.M. Application of methods of osteotomy of a maxilla at the Le Fort I level as a pre-implant surgery. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2014; 1 (69): 50—53


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Published on

March 1, 2014